Thursday, December 17, 2009

Promoting Physical Activity for All in Your Community

Discussions Towards Inclusion: half-day information session and group discussion

Date: Wednesday, January 27th, 2010.
Time: 11:00 am – 3:30 pm (lunch provided)
Location: Lethbridge College Canbra Room

What makes physical activity easy in your community? What makes it difficult? What changes could your community work towards?
Discuss these questions and much more at this special session facilitated by the Alberta Centre for Active Living.

This session will help you:

· understand the many barriers to physical activity that are often faced by people or groups of people in your own community

· brainstorm on approaches towards inclusion, network with your peers and community leaders, and consider practices and policies that support inclusion

· think about practical means in which you or your organization can work to create supportive environments that contribute to inclusiveness

For more information, contact:
Sherri Sterling
Lethbridge Healthy Communities
Building Healthy Lifestyles
Phone: 403-388-6521

Angela Torry, Education Coordinator
Alberta Centre for Active Living
Phone: 780-415-8885
Alberta toll-free: